#SW on Twitter

I’m always surprised (and sometimes a little horrified) at some of the comments I get on my Twitter page, mostly from men, mostly asking me: “If you know so much, why are you still single?” It doesn’t always come in the form of a question. Sometimes it comes more in the form of an accusatory comment: “THAT’S why you’re still single!” or, “You must be (insert derogatory insult here) – and THAT’S why you don’t have a man,” or “If you’re still single, what right do you have to give anyone advice?” Comments like that always A) Leave me a bit baffled that in the year 2010, some people out there still can’t fathom that a woman might possibly (perish the thought!) be single by CHOICE, and B) Make me snicker a little at the suggestion that a woman is thought to have a significant lack of intelligence simply because she lacks a significant other. More